Friday, January 14, 2011

Pongal Greeting

Pongal Greeting,Pongal in Tamil means overflow overflow or spill milk in crock over.The symbolizes material wealth for the home. Thai Pongal, celebrated at harvest time, which is traditionally intended to thank the Sun God and farms that have helped create wealth.This equipment also represents the Indian solstice when the sun enters the house allegedly 10 in India, Makara or Capricorn is the zodiac. After hearing the new Siddique is his film in Tamil Sangam Nadia Johnny and discussed the issue with them.

This festival marks the beginning of Tamil Thai. It marks the day when the sun moves north, supposedly. Designates the beginning of Uttarayana, which represents the journey north from Sun. The days get longer in the Tamil homeland. Thai Pongal Makara Sankranthi falls celebrated throughout India as the winter crop. It also represents the Indian solstice when the sun enters the house supposedly 10 from India, Makara or Capricorn is the zodiac.

The festival is of great importance for all Hindus, therefore, the devotees come Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu to bathe in the waters of the Kaveri, and Tirunelveli, and also in Tamil Nadu to bathe in River Tamrapani. There is also swimming in the sea in Tamil Nadu in auspicious.As Vedanaranyam that the joy of celebrating the festival of Pongal and welcome the harvest season, this hello is sent his way, wishing you all the opportunity is made. Have a happy Pongal.


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